Expert Tips for a Painless Closet Clean
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Expert Tips for a Painless Closet Clean

Oct 17, 2023

Organization Tips

Just in time for a summer refresh, we asked a team of professional organizers to share the rules they follow — and the products they use — for a successful closet clean-out.

June 7, 2023

No matter how many videos we watch or inspirational quotes we read … there is no household chore more daunting than a closet clean-out. In search of a fresh perspective (and just in time for a summer wardrobe refresh), we consulted with the organization experts at Atlanta's UpTown Concierge, a team of savvy organizers, cleaners, and assistants who streamline their clients’ lives in game-changing ways. Today, they’re sharing their ultimate approach to closet purging, plus the organization tools they can't live without.

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"There is no ‘one size fits all’ when it comes to organization. Every individual and family has its own set of unique needs," says UpTown Concierge founder Kat Duncan. "Take ideas from others, but not every organizing hack works for every home. You don't need to get rid of everything to be organized; you just need to be strategic about what you keep and how you store it."

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The team at UpTown Concierge recommends a three-step approach to tackling a full closet clean-out. And while they do recommend rotating and storing items for their appropriate season, Their essential steps are:

Step 1: Always, always, always start by pulling everything out of your closet and categorizing each item. This helps to clearly see how much of each category you own. (No one needs 15 black tank tops!)

Step 2: From there, you can go through each category and purge items that you don't need or don't wear, items that don't fit, and items that are showing visible signs of wear, like stains, holes, or unwanted fraying.

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Step 3: Make your life easier — bag up donation items and put them in your car immediately. Don't let them sit in a pile in your house that you’ll take to donations "one day." (Keep them in plain sight in the backseat so they won't linger in your car too long, either!)

Seasonal switch-out is the perfect time to evaluate what was worn this past season and what was not. Take the time to try on some pieces that didn't get worn or used and see if they’re even worth storing for next season. If not, then toss or donate!

Any clothes that will be stored until their next season should be placed in a weather-tight tote to protect them from moths and moisture. You can also use shoulder covers and garment bags to keep your off-season items dust-free. Don't forget to store your shoes in plastic shoe boxes or duster bags, too!

We all know that feeling of resistance when it comes time to toss old wardrobe items. Maybe it was expensive. Maybe you think it will "come back in style." The team at UpTown Concierge has a few tried-and-true tips and rules to apply to your purge that will help you push through that resistance.

Tip #1: Imagine: You’re standing in your closet, blindfolded, and we tell you to pick your outfit for the day. What is the likelihood that you’ll choose an outfit you would feel confident rocking that day? If that prospect scares you, lean into that feeling and start making some edits!

Tip #2: If we told you that you had to wear [insert any wardrobe in question] today, how would you feel? If your answer is anything less than "great" — or at the very least, "good" — it's time to toss it.

Imagine a world in which EVERY item hanging in your closet is one you’d be happy to wear in public. Game-changing, right? Get a load of this swoon-worthy "after" picture of a recent UpTown Concierge closet organization project!

Tip #3: Say goodbye to anything with permanent stains or holes. It's time.

Tip #4: If you can't see it, you won't wear it. Pare down your wardrobe to what your closet will physically allow. It will make getting ready in the morning so much easier!

Tip #5: Keepsake clothing items can stay but shouldn't take up valuable real estate. It's better to put them in a labeled bin at the top of the closet. (Keep Tip #4 in mind!)

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The UpTown Concierge team put their heads together to come up with a list of their ultimate, must-have organization tools:

Drawer organizers and museum putty help keep your tools and products in place so you can easily access them!

Turntables allow you to take full advantage of the storage space offered by deep shelves while ensuring everything stays within plain sight and easy reach.

Follow UpTown Concierge on Instagram for more clever tips! All photography provided by UpTown Concierge.


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Alissa is StyleBlueprint's Managing Editor. She's a Tennessee native and a lover of travel, red wine, and unlikely animal friendships.

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